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Maintaining A Clean Office Is Good For Business

Maintaining a Clean Workplace is Good For Business

  • TMS Cleaning

As a business owner, the cleanliness of your working environment is probably not high on your list of priorities. However, you should add it to your list of things to do. A clean and healthy workspace has a significant impact on the future success of your business.

Good hygiene projects a positive image of your company on to customers, prospective employees and existing staff. Your workplace is a reflection of your brand and its important to make a good impression.

Spending time in a clean environment has its obvious benefits but can also help with the success of your business. Below are the key advantages of maintaining a professionally cleaned workspace.

Clean Offices Are Welcoming

A clean and tidy work environment looks appealing and is more inviting to potential customers and employees. If the front of your store, entranceway or reception area of your office is unsightly, customers are reluctant to enter – and they won’t want to return.

Dirty floors and windows, smudged tables and untidy waiting areas project a lack of care and professionalism. People do not feel comfortable in an unclean environment and will probably not want to use your services or buy your products.

Customers feel that if you don’t care enough to keep your business premises in order, you won’t care about them either. Therefore, they feel less inclined to visit your premises and invest in your company.

Customer Perception Impacts Sales

Customer perception carries a lot of weight for a business and people judge an entire business in relation to the first impression they have of a company. Every time a customer visits your place of work they will notice the look and the feel of an environment that is clean or unclean.

No matter how good your products and services are, the perception a customer has of your brand carries a lot of weight in their purchasing decision. A workspace that is not properly sanitised will have a negative impact on your bottom line.

This is especially the case for businesses in the public sector that have customers passing through on a regular basis. Customers expect shops, restaurants, cafes and hotels to maintain a high level of hygiene. As a matter of fact, a customer satisfaction survey in the hospitality industry revealed that cleanliness is a priority for visitors.

Invite Your Customers To Return

Whilst the front end of your business premises should be spic-and-span, it’s important to keep the entire workspace sanitised and professionally clean – especially areas that can be accessed by visitors.

Imagine the horror a customer would have if they were to walk into an unclean toilet that was not properly sanitised. A survey revealed that 29% of consumers said they would not return to an unclean business unless it was absolutely necessary.

Healthy Air Quality Boosts Productivity

Numerous studies have shown that poor air quality in the workplace impacts the health and wellbeing of your staff. A higher rate of illness leads to employees taking more sick days. Naturally, productivity suffers.

On the flip side, good hygiene levels in an office maintain optimal conditions for the health and wellbeing of your staff. When your workforce is good health, it has a positive knock-on effect with output.

A study undertaken at Harvard found that people perform cognitive tasks 61% more efficiently in offices that are sanitised and have better air quality. Maintaining a professionally cleaned workspace naturally improves the air quality throughout the building.

The benefits of keeping your workplace clean and tidy are obvious. Perhaps then, you should consider investing in a dedicated and professional cleaning service. Cleanliness pays for itself.

TMS Cleaning